The Soul Refresher

Oh, LORD, fill the empty void of my human experience
With Your Eternal Perspective.
Heal my loneliness with Your I AM Omnipresence.
Restore my failing strength with Your Sovereign Omnipotence.
Enlighten my darkened understanding with Your Boundless Omniscience.

Your creative, life-giving touch is the transformation
 My existence cries out for.
The weariness of my soul is only revived and satisfied in Your presence.
Let me run to You for my daily filling, drinking deep from Your sharp-edged Word
 Which divides out the eternal from the temporal;
the infinitely significant from the momentary forgeries.

Oh, LORD, You have the Words of Life,
Let me not seek sustenance from any worthless idol
 Which merely clouds my vision with the urgent and unimportant.
You refresh my soul and give my heart direction and purpose;
 You discern the thoughts and intentions of my mind
and sift out anything displeasing to You;
 You lift my simplistic focus to lofty possibilities empowered by Your inexhaustible energy.

You give my life meaning.

I need You LORD.

May I in trusting faith yield to Your works planned for me
That I may daily offer to You a sacrifice of praise.
Give me Your steadfast determination to walk in a manner worthy of You.
May I present upon Your altar this a day a renewed mind
 Transformed by the investment of these dawning hours
As I seek You face-to-face.

In my life produce Your Spirit-controlled pure fruit
Which has no law against it.
 To a world drowning in sin, may I display
Your Lifesaving Hope,
 Your Unfathomable Peace,
Your Never-ending Joy,
Your Endless and Unconditional Love.

So, dear Abba, my Soul Refresher, send me forth this day;
Equipped with Your blessing,
Motivated by Your Intentional Compassion,
Focused on rescuing the dying,
Determined to help the weak and encourage the fainthearted,
To bring glory to Your Matchless Name.

Copyright ©, December 11th, 2008 by ems.
All Rights Reserved. Little Sailing Vessel Publications.

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