Wisdom From Above by ems 8/12/23

“But wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,
open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”
~ James 3:17 ESV

So, how do I live this out DAILY in my relationship with God and others?
Let us consider each attribute and how to apply it.


To love God and love my neighbor daily, I must:

  1. Create a refuge for soul refreshment – a caring place of acceptance.
  2. Glorify God in thought, word, and action.
  3. Focus on Appreciation Memories that remind me of God’s goodness.

  4. Connect with someone in the bond of unity in the body of Christ and beyond to foster growth and peace.
  5. Appreciate another’s differences and giftings.
  6. Respect another’s opinions, preferences, quirks, and uniqueness.
  7. Protect the Quiet Areas of my life so that I might hear God’s voice.
  8. Learn to Calm and Soothe myself, practice Simple Quiet (take a breather when life is hectic) and engage in Quiet Interactively with others (lowering the intensity when joyful or painful interactions are high.)

    Be GENTLE:
  9. Speak in encouraging tones with edifying words.
  10. Correct in love with clarity.
  11. Create an atmosphere of grace (what is undeserved) and mercy (patience!)
  12. Count my blessings and thank God for each one.

  13. Be quick to listen with an open heart
  14. Be willing to consider, complete, complement, and compromise.
  15. Ask God to show me where I fall short and teach me His righteous standards.

  16. Be quick to forgive when wronged.
  17. Be quick to ask for forgiveness and seek relationship repair and restoration.
  18. Guard against hard-handedness.
  19. Bask in God’s mercy with gratitude and reflect this toward others.

    Yield GOOD FRUITS:
  20. Grow in agape (unconditional) and phileo (brotherly) love.
  21. Build the Kingdom of God and undo the works of the devil.
  22. Increase servant-leadership skills.
  23. Make God glad by my joyful obedience.

  24. Showing no favoritism by not placing one person above another.
  25. Receiving each individual with joy.
  26. Consider that God is no respecter of persons; He loves each the same.

  27. Live in loving truth and honesty
  28. With heartfelt devotion, love God and love others with my total being without any bias

Holy Spirit, You Who live within me move me to be self-controlled and to grow practically, consistently, and increasingly in each of these attributes so that I may be more like Jesus and bring J~O~Y to my Heavenly Father. Have Your way with me, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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